When people visit Sydney from all over the world, they often want to take home a beautiful piece of Australia home with them to cherish and enjoy. The problem is, it can be difficult to find a Sydney jeweller that offers the exquisite quality, local designs and assured sources that visitors are looking for. We’re here to tell you that you can find truly Australian jewellery in Sydney, and here’s what to look for.
Ask for Australian opals
Not too many jewellery stores in Sydney’s CBD can offer a full range of Australian opals, and you’ll want to be able to see a full showcase of the exquisite options before making your decision. You may prefer the milky South Australian opal, the rich boulder opal from Queensland or the rare black variety from NSW’s Lightning Ridge. Look for an opal store that offers a range of colours and styles set into gorgeous, modern pieces.
Search for pink Kimberley diamonds
Another gemstone that Australia is renowned for is its elusive pink Argyle diamond, mined in Australia’s rugged northwest corner. These rosy diamonds are so easy to love yet difficult to find in jewellery stores in Sydney’s CBD, due to the Argyle mine’s dwindling supply. The gemstones range from a sparkling pink champagne to a deep purplish pink, which look spectacular against white gold, yellow gold or rose gold.
Fall in love with Australian South Sea pearls
If you are looking for pearl jewellery in Sydney, be sure to demand only the best. The coveted Broome South Sea pearl is renowned around the world due to its awe-inspiring size and luminosity, and it perfectly evokes the romance and relaxation of your time spent in sun-kissed Australia. Seek out a pearl jeweller who can capture the perfection of these pearls in a single statement pendant, a flawless set of earrings or the traditional pearl strand.
Seek out local craftsmanship
Of course, even the most exquisite gemstones can be placed into a setting that conceals its true beauty. It’s critical that when shopping for your Australian jewellery piece to take home and treasure, you find a jewellery studio that puts a great deal of care and local knowledge into their designs. Look out for modern, sophisticated pieces that allow the gems to shine and shimmer at their brightest.
If you are on the search for distinctly Australian jewellery on your visit to Sydney, you’ll find it at Vollé Jewellery in the heart of the CBD. Find our jewellers in the QVB Building or on York Street and explore our extensive range of Australian pink diamonds, pearls and opals set into local designs.